Sain jo jokin aika sitten liittymistarjouspakettini, jossa oli valitsemani
kaksi kirjaa ja Nanson käsityökassi ja puikkopussi puikoilla.
Bambupuikkoja oli seuraavasti:
4 suorat neule- (3½, 4, 5 ja 8mm), pyörö- (3½mm) ja sukkapuikot (3mm) ja apupuikko (3mm).
I've just joined a finnish book club which is said to be "club of exhilarating ideas". ;o)
I got awhile ago my joining offer package which included my two chosen books
and a handcrafts bag by Nanso and a needle bag with needles.
These bamboo needles was included:
4 staight (3½, 4, 5 ja 8mm), circular (3½mm) and sock needles (3mm) and a cable needle (3mm).
I got awhile ago my joining offer package which included my two chosen books
and a handcrafts bag by Nanso and a needle bag with needles.
These bamboo needles was included:
4 staight (3½, 4, 5 ja 8mm), circular (3½mm) and sock needles (3mm) and a cable needle (3mm).
10) Emma Hardy
Ompele suit sait sukkelaan
Sewing in No Time, english original
Kirja sisältää "50 helppoa ja valloittavaa ohjetta kodin teksttileihin".
The book includes "50 Step-by-step Weekend Projects Made Easy".
11) Stine Hoelgaard Johansen
Suloiset sukat
"Lovely Socks", Danish original: 27 sjove strømper
Kirjassa on yhteensä 27 erilaista sukkaohjetta, niin virkkattuja kuin neulottujakin.
There is in total 27 different sock patterns in the book both crocheted and knitted.
There is in total 27 different sock patterns in the book both crocheted and knitted.
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